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Academic Integrity

The Emory College Learning Design & Online Teaching team partners with faculty in the Emory College of Arts & Sciences to support excellent learning design in both online and in-person courses. In addition to our online training, Emory College Learning Design offers Emory College Teaching Strategies (ECOTS), Continuous Improvement (CI) process, and supplementary trainings.

Online teaching and learning may present unique concerns about academic integrity. The Emory College Honor Council has compiled several helpful documents for faculty as they think through how to support academic integrity in an online teaching format.


Academic Integrity Documents 

When it comes to teaching online, many faculty often become confused about where to start preparing their course online. The Honor Council's academic integrity documents can help provide more information about building course content online: 

Best Practices 

When offering courses, many faculty will find that giving a traditional, proctored final exam virtually may be neither convenient nor feasible. Faculty are encouraged to think of alternative ways to assess student performance or to deliver exams. Please see Proctoring for more information about final exams and proctoring. 

Honor Council

Students, faculty, and administrators participate in the student-initiated College Honor Council, which investigates all reports of academic misconduct. Students on the Honor Council play an important role in the resolution of every case, and Emory College students must vote to approve any changes to the Honor Code. View more information on the Emory College Honor Council.